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Frequently Asked Questions

Country Wellness Connections (CWC)

Offering psychosocial supports that suit your needs

Identifying individual needs and goals

Supports provided through CWC are non-clinical and can include group-based activities and/or individual one-on-one coaching as required.

As well as choosing the types of supports received, participants can also identify their own individual needs and personal recovery goals with the help of an experienced mental health support worker.

To determine whether you, or someone you know, is eligible to receive psychosocial supports under CWC, please refer to the 'Frequently asked questions' below.

Frequently asked questions

Not sure if CWC is the right program for you?

Who can access this free program?

CWC is available for country South Australians who experience mental health concerns that are severe enough to impact everyday life and who are not assisted by the NDIS or receiving other psychosocial supports that duplicate this service. These people would benefit from receiving not only mental health support, but also assistance with managing daily tasks and participating in their community: all of which are provided through CWC.

Former participants of Partners in Recovery (PIR), Day to Day Living (D2DL) and Personal Helpers and Mentors (PHaMs) programs who have been found ineligible for the NDIS will be prioritised to receive a service under CWC. For new participants, a diagnosis from a GP or other health professional is not required to access this free program.

How can I access the program?

CWC is available across regional South Australia and the program is offered by the following service providers:

  • Centacare Catholic Country SA
  • Country and Outback Health
  • Life without Barriers
  • Mind Australia
  • Skylight Mental Health
  • Uniting Country SA

Through this website, you are able to search for the service provider offering CWC in your Country SA region by using the search bar at the top of the page.

Are there any age restrictions?

No. This program is offered to people of all ages and there are no age restrictions.

Do I need a diagnosis from a GP to qualify for this program?

No. While eligible participants must experience mental health concerns that are severe enough to impact daily life, a diagnosis from a GP or other health professionals is not required. In fact, anyone can refer to CWC including:

  • Self-referral (people who require support)
  • Carer, family or friends (with consent)
  • Governments agencies and community organisations including any other mental health services
  • GPs and any other health professional

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